Straight, curly or Kinky hair
In the beginning, hair is alive. The hair shaft grows from the follicle, a pocket like structure, deep in the dermis. There are 5 million hair follicles on the human body. At birth, the number of hairs on your head has been determined. If you are a Scandinavian blonde, you have the most hairs- up to 140,000. Brunettes are born with 110,000; and redheads, whose hair shaft are the thickest, has only 90,000.
There are four types of hair texture:
- Straight. Straight hair has absolutely no curl or wave. It can be baby fine and limp, or thick and coarse, which is a common for Asians and native Americans.
- Wavy. Hairdresser loves to work with a wavy hair. Although it stays close to the scalp when it grows out, it's easier to curl then straight hair, and it's raggedness gives it more body, thickness and pliability.
- Curly. A woman with unruly mops of hair seems to be obsessed with controlling it. This is very high maintenance hair that will curl or even frizz with the slightest rain or high humidity. Volume is difficult to predict or manage.
- Kinky. Frizzy and spiraled, kinky hair is prone to breakage because it has the fewest layers of protection and every bend of the curl has an inherent weakness. Hair benefits from conditioning. It needs very combing except a lift once in a while with a pick. It grows so dense that it can trap natural oils and dead skin cells close to the scalp, so it may be rinsed or washed regularly.
Your hair with change in texture and color from the time you are born until your early teens. Once you have gone through puberty, the hair you have is the hair you will keep for the rest of your life. You may get grey and, in the case of men, experience male-pattern baldness, but you are growth patterns will remain the same.
Like every cell in your body, he has a specific growth cycle. At any given time, hairs on your body are growing, resting, dormant, or sloughing in 4 to 6 years, it could brought to the length of three feet.

Straight, curly or kinky celeb hair